Annual General Meeting and General Meeting Minutes 8th March, 2012
Point Clare Community Hall -49 Brisbane Water Drive Point Clare 7.30PM
Attendees: – 26 members in attendance. 5. Apologies. 3 Visitors.
Minutes from previous AGM – Garry Slack moved, Jill Greenwood 2nd.
President report – Jon Fearon
Treasurer Report: – By Assistant treasurer Jill Greenwood.
Balances in the accounts: $ 2632.00 in the normal account and
$ 1692.31 in the savings accounts. Moved by Peter Sheldon 2nd by
Jill Greenwood
Election of Office Bearers
President – Jon Fearon
Deputy President – No one voted in.
Secretary – Helen Orchard
Assistant secretary – Lisa Hagarty
Treasurer – Peter Sheldon
Assistant treasurer – Jill Greenwood
Committee member – Fred Beringer, Grahame Orchard, Zaga Palalic
AGM closed 8:57pm
General Meeting
Correspondence in –
1. Internet enquiry: Mary Rose – 14 Nioka Ave Point Clare
GCC concrete footpath timeframe?
2. GCC Kim Radford: Dogs in Open Spaces Strategy
10 Copies to Members – finishes by the 14th March online.
3. GCC Warren Murphy: - Disabled Parking West Gosford Shopping Centre
- Reply to E.N.Rae – Joan Johnstone.
4. Coffee News Kathy Bree: AGM in Coffee News.
5. E.N. Rae- Baptist Community Services:
West Gosford Shopping Centre Disabled Parking.
6. GCC – Chemical Cleanout 3rd March: Please advise Members.
7. Emails from the Northern Rail Nose Committee.
8. Bush Care Day: 6 Members and Gary Parmer GCC.
100 seedlings planted also with Point Clare Public School children.
9. NSW Education & Communities Plan-It Youth Mentoring:
A call for Volunteers.
10. Email – Kate and Peter McDonnell of Tascott Membership Renewal 2012.
11. Chris Holstein MP Member for Gosford.
To Fred Beringer – Northern Rail Noise Committee.
12. Coastal Residents Inc. Pat Aiken: Notification of Public Meeting.
13. Highlight Consulting – Regional Town Planning Services Newsletter – Wagstaff.
14. Member Leonard Murray: Eradication of Noxious Weeds & Rabbits needing
Attention at Point Clare Railway Station.
15. Federal Member for Robertson – Educational Tax Refund for 2011 – 2012 Envelope.
16. GCC – Sharon Moore 2012 Workshop Series.
17. GCC – Warren Brown Draft for Couche Park Foreshore Reserve to be delivered on 28th February, 2012.
18. The Hon Chris Hartcher MP for Central Coast:
Invitation to the NSW 2021 Community Meeting. 21st March, 2012 Mingara.
19. GCC Elizabeth Ambler: Point Clare Community Kitchen.
Not their responsibility – suggest we write to the Hall Committee.
Correspondence Out –
1. Councillor Peter Freewater Invitation to be Guest Speaker at March General Meeting.
2. Email to GCC – Elizabeth Ambler/condition of Community Hall Kitchen. Requesting a Cleaners Utensils Cabinet outside the kitchen area for Storage of Brooms, Mops and Buckets and Chemicals.
3. Chris Holstein MP Member for Gosford – Copies of petition and letter to NSW legislative Assembly – the Northern Rail Noise Committee.
4. Federal Member Deborah Neill – Copies of Petition and Letter to NSW Legislative Assembly from the Northern Rail Noise Committee.
5. Email to GCC –Elizabeth Ambler: Disabled Parking West Gosford Shopping Centre.
6. Mail Out of General Meeting Minutes for December 2011.
7. Mail Out of Notification of AGM March 2012.
8. Membership renewal – Sharon Gallant 2012.
9. GCC – Submission on Brisbane Water Estuary Management Plan.
10. Email to Members – GCC Gosford Strategic Parking Study.
11. GCC – Warren Brown: Design work for Sea Wall Foreshore Reserve.
12. GCC – Kim Radford: Unnamed reserve Fagans Bay. Lands dept. want clarification that Gosford Council holds land in question in trust. Hoping to go before City Services on 27th March, 2012.
13. Phone call to GCC- Craig Dury: Glenrock Parade is in design stage – big job as GCC have to confer with residents considering their driveways. No timeframe for job to commence.
General Business –
1. Address by Guest Speaker Peter Freewater Gosford City Council Councillor
Gosford landing – I started out really pleased, but am not so happy about it
now. The Council put it out to the people to see what they wanted. But then it was handed to a government authority, which is a state government body. Originally the development had a
lot of parklands and gardens, but then it was changed to a lot of residential housing/unit developments, adding value for developers invest in. Peter is now concerned with these changes. There
was a campaign against the changes that were made, and the Mayor actually was against these people standing up to have their say. There was a motion moved at last Tuesday’s Council Meeting to write to the State Government Authority, to put the brakes on stage
2-3, but to go ahead with stage 1, which included the Performing Arts Centre. Peter was all for this, but he is concerned that it might be too late as the land is crown land and the Council
only owns a part of the land. Peter said that the decision was out of the Councils hands, they can only comment and they are not able now to stop the development.
This is not a time to relax, it is time for action. The State Government will earn a lot of money from this development. The Gosford War Memorial Olympic Pool will be reduced from a 50m
pool to a 25m pool. The Crown Land will be sold off to these developers. Peter is unaware where the profits are going within the State Government. Peter would like it to stay in the area; the Council will only receive 1% of the
sale, which is to be used for the infrastructure. The blocks of units will take away the beauty from the area. It seems like a quick cash grab, as there seems to be no funding for the performing
arts centre.
Bambara Rd – Hundreds of aboriginal engravings around that area. Peter went for a walk with Bob, who showed him some of the carvings in the Bambara Rd area; this included engravings of a whale and kangaroos. Plus 12 endangered species.
And this is worth protecting, plus it is also surrounded by National Park. Jake Cassar is very supportive of the purchase of the land. Peter tried to put through a Motion at council to try
and purchase the land by compulsory acquisition, but the motion did not get passed. Peter thinks that the people that currently own it should be paid something similar to what they purchased it for.
They have been offered a lot less than what it is worth, and therefore they do not want to sell it. There is a lot of aboriginal heritage in that area, being one of the richest aboriginal heritage
and artefacts in Australia. After the last sale of the land, the purchaser went to the Land and Environment Court to fight for the development with it almost going through. Peter is really concerned that
it may not be too long before another application is made and this is upheld. The money from the environmental lands levy could be used to purchase this land, but Peter does not know why.
The owners would like to sell it to go to National Park and Gosford Council, but require a fairer price.
The General Manager of GCC is looking at retiring, and when that happens they can look at the persons that are not performing.
The S149 certificates (Sea Level Rise): – People should be aware of what they are buying. If your house is flood prone, you should be aware. Council on advice from the State Government,
believe that the Sea Level Rise (of 90mm) is real and could happen, so people should be made aware through the S149 certificate. This may affect property prices, but it is the legal reasons
why the Council is pushing ahead with this. Peter believes in climate change, but he does not know how this will affect Gosford. They are measuring it out in larger increments (for example
in decades), to look at how this may affect us. These are being used to protect people financially. Following discussion between the members and Peter Freewater on sea level rise.
Peter conceded that there was uncertainty and dispute in the scientific community about the potential extent of future sea level rise; however the Council was obliged to accept the
predicted levels adopted by State Government.
Finish of Address by Guest Speaker Peter Freewater.
President Jon Fearon thanked him for his time.
Members Complaint: Rabbits along the railway line at Point Clare. The Council
have done some work to chase them way, which seems to be working.
Retaining wall at Couche Park: A draft copy of a design for Couche Park has been
drawn up. Garry Slack has a hard copy available if anyone would like to see it.
NSW State Government 2021 Summit: To be held at Mingara. Residents are invited
to attend and put forward their suggestions for the Central Coast.
Dogs in open spaces: There was a meeting held at Umina and Erina, in regards to
the Council’s review of the Dog Campaign Act. There was an independent company
hired to obtain feedback from residents on the issue. The group was told that from the approx. 300
attendees at Umina; the main consensus was that things are to remain the same.
Point Clare Medical Centre: Works are going to start on this in June. They are
hoping that the new Medical Centre will open next year.
Freight Noise Petition: Freight noise guidelines. The petition is to try to get
governments to enforce the attached freight noise guidelines in the petition, on
trains that are not controlled by guidelines at the moment. This petition is being put before the NSW Government
Speaker and Members of the NSW Legislative Assembly.
Sea Level Rise: The motion discussed last meeting requesting Gosford Council
compare actual measured sea level rise with computer modelled predictions was put
to two Council
Committees by Gary Slack. It was passed and adopted by the Floodplain Risk
Management Committee after support for Mayor Laurie Maher, however was not
passed at the Coastal and
Estuary Management Committee after strong objections from Council Director Eddie Love.
The NBN: It looks like they have extended into a greater area than originally
Roads and Maritime: Left hand turn only at Talinga Avenue. In a reply to the
Associations request for a left hand turn only as was originally planned they
said that there were no traffic accidents recorded, so they were not going to
change it. However there was an accident just recently so Helen is to send
another letter.
Easter egg hunt – Lisa has asked the members if we could give back to the
community and to also encourage new members to the association by doing an
Easter egg hunt. This will be funded through the association funds. Dates, amount, location is to be
determined at a later date. Moved Lorraine Goodworth by 2nd by Carys Fearon.
Marina – Zaga Palalic: Koolewong Boathouse Marina. It is shortly to go before an
Independent Commission for review; Council can reject the submission if they
Upgrade the posters for the association – Lisa Hagarty to upgrade these. Meeting Closed 9:25pm.
Next Meeting June 2012.
Minutes Secretary Chair Person
Lisa Hagarty Jon Fearon