Minutes of KPCT Progress Association Inc.


12 July, 2012 7.30 pm


Point Clare Community Hall, 49 Brisbane Water Drive, Point Clare


Attendees: Members 23, Visitors 3, Apologies 8.


Guest Speaker – Bruce Fenwick Point Clare Natural Gas Petition.


Bruce has been organizing this petition for the past year. The issue came about when he moved to Point Clare and he became aware that natural gas was not installed.


He contacted AGL and was asked to submit an application form. After receiving no response he contacted them again two months later and was told there were no gas pipes in Wendy Drive and they could not connect to natural gas. AGL are the retailer and Jemena own the pipes and AGL relay enquiries to Jemena. AGL advised that at least 20 households were necessary to get pipes installed in Wendy Drive and the residents would have to pay a contribution for the pipes. In addition, each household would have to pay a connection fee to AGL ($125) and a quarterly service charge ($45).  So he organized a petition for his local neighborhood. He got 40-50 households to support the petition in the three surrounding streets. It took him about six weeks to gather the information. However, after submitting the details, AGL would only accept households in Wendy Drive as part of Bruce's petition and therefore he was unable to represent residents in the other streets.  


AGL estimated the contribution cost for installing pipes in Wendy Drive would be $105,000 to be shared by the residents. That cost was out of the question so he asked AGL how many residents would need to sign up to get the pipes for free. The response was 42 houses. Although he was able to get 42 households to say yes, the quarterly service cost of $45 put some households off so he lost some support. 


Bruce advised if anyone wants to start a petition they need to fill out the correct forms. People will have a lot of questions about the installation. A standard AGL connection will provide the household with a meter to the house only; the connection from the meter to appliances is the householders responsibly and a gas fitter should be able to provide an estimated cost. It would be useful to provide people with an idea on how much money they will save by using natural gas as opposed to electricity.  Gas fitters can change LPG gas appliances to natural gas.  Bruce advised that he is happy to help other people if they would like to lead a petition for their streets; a coordinated approach is more likely to succeed than individual efforts.


Bruce would like the Associations help in raising awareness that it is possible for natural gas to be installed in our area. Lisa Hagarty moved to have information regarding the petition included in the Association newsletter which was seconded by Zaga Palalic and accepted by members.


The meeting was informed that there is a referral service called: "Dial before you dig" which provides information on locating underground utilities services.


Minutes from previous meeting

Moved by Jill Greenwood, seconded by Larraine Goodworth. Approved by meeting.


Treasurers Report

There is currently $1,769.00 and $2,683.00 in the reserve account.

Moved by Treasurer Peter Shelden and seconded by Grahame Orchard. Approved by meeting.


Correspondence in

Moved by Sonnie Hopkins and seconded by Nick Lock. Approved by meeting.


Correspondence out

Moved by Sonnie Hopkins and seconded by Nick Lock. Approved by meeting.


Committee Reports


Koolewong Marina

Zaga Palalic: Marina has been approved for 50 berths, which was not what we were hoping for, which was a limit of 30. However the owner has agreed for a sewage pump to be installed as well as an additional 11 car spaces.  Zaga and Gary were interviewed for an article for the Express Advocate and expressed disappointment at the size of the marina but were happy about the inclusion of the pump out and additional car spaces. There is no timetable for when construction of the marina will start although it must commence within 5 years of the DA approval.  Zaga contacted the developer and they would not give her any more information. From now on as an association we should monitor that they comply with what they said they will do.


Rail Noise

Fred Beringer: The request for the issue of an EPL has gone into the NSW government but they have not heard anything from them yet.


Glenrock Parade

Grahame Orchard: No progress on the upgrade yet. They are still waiting on the money and the design plan. Grahame thinks it will be a long time before we see any development there.


Unnamed Reserve

Helen Orchard: Kim Radford from Gosford City Council Parks and Leisure said they have proved who owns the land and unfortunately, due to staff cuts at the Geographical Names Board, there is a back log of paperwork. Therefore it will be a while before the name of Bungaree Reserve receives approval.  


Couche Park Koolewong Erosion

Gary Slack:  The council now has the engineer's plans for the sea wall. Council has requested feedback about the design.  The Association would like Gary to respond to the council with positive feedback on the design with the proviso that they add soil to the top of the small sandstone stones. Moved by Lisa Hagarty and seconded by Larraine Goodworth. Approved by Meeting.


Film Night

Helen Orchard: The hall and movie have been booked for 13 October.


Bambara Road

Helen Orchard:  Helen understands that one block of land has been purchased by Gosford City Council and will be donated to NSW Parks and Wildlife.


Bushcare Group

Jon Fearon: Goodaywang Reserve is looking good. The seeds of the native plants that were taken from the area and potted are being returned to the area. We need more support from people to help with the Bushcare Group on the coming working bee dates. Two new signs have been put up to let people know that there is bush regeneration in the area and that the reserve is supported by the Association.  



Ray Lawson: There was a problem with updating the website but this has now been fixed.

Ray suggested that we should have a mission statement added to the site.


Jill Greenwood moved reports, seconded by Helen Orchard. Approved by meeting.


General Business:


Putting Post - School learning to work on the Central Coast

Sonnie Hopkins outlined the concept of this project to the meeting. A few years ago the association, Central Coast Campus Friends was formed to promote post school education on the Central Coast. Membership has grown through sources such as universities, tafes, colleges and libraries. The group has the backing of post school educators.  Hugh Mackay will be speaking at their next dinner on 11 September if members would like to purchase a ticket.  Sonnie is looking for people that have done part of their post school education on the Central Coast and are now using that education in employment on the Central Coast.  She will be interviewing and writing an information sheet on each of these people to produce a book for students showing them that they can use the knowledge obtained by further education locally.


Brisbane Water Drive

Helen Orchard said that member Toni Tibbs sent photos to the Association of the difficultly residents face walking along Brisbane Water Drive.  Toni requested the Association provide support for this cause. In previous correspondence from council we were advised that nothing will be done along Brisbane Water Drive until it is aligned properly by the NSW Roads and Maritime.  Helen suggested that the Association should contact the local newspaper. Move to support the motion to have the footpath installed. Moved by Grahame Orchard, seconded by Peter Shelden. Approved by meeting.


Cycle Support over the railway line at Tascott

Jon Fearon: Looking at what we could do to assist bike riders in getting their bikes over the railway line easier. When overseas, Jon noticed that they have ramps installed on the side of the steps so you can push your bike up and down easier. Jon moved that we contact City Rail with this idea, seconded by Lisa Hagarty. Approved by meeting.


Point Clare Community Hall Membership

Fee is $7.00 per annum if anyone wishes to join.


Meeting closed at 9:05pm.


Next Meeting: 13th September, 2012


Minutes Secretary                                                                Chairperson  

Lisa Hagarty                                                                          Jon Fearon