Minutes of KPCT Progress Association Inc.


8 November, 2012  7.30 pm


Point Clare Community Hall. 49 Brisbane Water Drive, Point Clare


Attendees: Members 20, Visitors 6, Apologies 8.


Guest Speaker – Scott Levi – ABC Radio Announcer 92.5 FM Central Coast.


Scott opened his address by quoting an old saying,

"One person who dissents is regarded as a crackpot, all of us here who dissent are regarded as a community".

Scott Hosts the ABC Central Coast  TALKBACK 1300 925 222  line between 11am and 12 and after World Today  between 1.10 and  3pm. If you see anything good happing in the community, Scott is only a phone call away.

Scott was thanked for his informative address and stayed to supper with members after the meeting.

General Meeting was reconvened at 8.20pm   

Acceptance of minutes from previous General Meeting


Moved by Rendall Wagner, seconded by Jill Greenwood. Approved by members.


Treasurer Report


There is currently $1,109.98 and $2,712.39 in the reserve account.

Moved by Assistant Treasurer Jill Greenwood and seconded by Larraine Goodworth.                              Approved by members.


Correspondence Out:

1. Media Release: Central Coast Advocate: GCC responds to Residents: Pedestrian Footpath BWD

2. Media Release: Ducks Crossing Publication:       "        "        "        "        "        "

3. Email Response to Kevin Doran: Resident Glenrock Parade. Freight Train Noise.

4. Email Richard Waterhouse re unnamed reserve - Fagans Bay.

5. Emails congratulating Councillors on their Election to GCC.

6. Letter to GCC ED Sukesh Infrastructure and Planning – Footpath BWD

7. Email to lands.nsw.gov.au – Unnamed reserve-Fagans Bay.

8. Len Murray- DTRS-RailCorp Point Clare station.

9. MP for Gosford Chris Holstein – Meeting with Progress Association re BWD footpath.

10. Jemena-Natural Gas in the area plan.

11. Subscription to Coast Community News - $50pa for Meeting Notice in paper.

12. Congratulations to those who have cleaned up BWD and contained in Black Plastic Bags for pickup.

13. Email to bfo.01@fire.nsw.gov.au-requesting again fire trailer for Sunnyside Avenue, Point Clare.

14. Email to jrbrogan/Robert Orr-requesting funding for Disabled Toilet Uratta Street Playground.

15. Letter to MP Chris Holstein requesting that he approach GCC and Roads & Maritime on the need for a footpath on Brisbane Water Drive between Lorraine and Koolinda Ave Point Clare.

Moved by Grahame Orchard, seconded by Julie Broad. Approved by meeting.

Correspondence In:

1.  GCC Design Plans for upgrade of part of Glenrock Parade.

2.  Invoice from Point Clare Community Hall Rental $87.80 July/September.

3.  Emails Point Clare School Council/Traffic and Road Safety Committee.

4.  Coastal Residents Incorporated/Coastal Bill Workshop. 26th October, 2012.

5.  GCC- Craig Newbury cancelling Bushcare morning of 2nd November, 2012

6.  Gardens at Point Clare CBD

7.  GCC – Kim Radford-Renaming Uratta Street Playground Reserve.

8.  Fred Beringer querying need of website.

9.  GCC- Elizabeth Ambler – flying of Flags during an event held after dark.

10.  Email encouraging the replacement of public pathway at Couche Park.

11.  Deputy Mayor – Bob Ward –thanking us for congratulation- he is an ex resident of Tascott.

12.  Councillor – Gabby Bowles-thanking us for our congratulations.

13.  Councillor- Vicky Scott-thanking us for our congratulations.

14.  Mayor – GCC –Lawrie McKinna-thanking us for our congratulations.

15.  Email-Geoffrey Morton.  Enquiring about High Tea Movie Night –new resident of Koolewong.

16.  Minutes of Meeting with MP Chris Holstein-submitted by Rendall Wagner Vice President.

17.  Letter advising the Mrs Esme Birkett ex-resident and member of Progress Association has passed away. The Progress Association had sent Esme a copy of the Newsletter up until now.

18.  Letter from Mr Ryan 215 Glenrock Parade, thanking us for the delivery of GCC plans for update.

19.  Email from pchall – complaint that Hall Floor was left filthy after the Red Dog Movie Night.

20.  Thank you card from resident Mandy and Phil Wheen of Tascott for loan of Red Dog Movie.

21.  Letter from Roads & Maritime NSW – Mangroves along Brisbane Water Drive.

22.  GCC Sharon Moore – Community Partnership Grants Officer- Medical Local Grant out.     

23.  Letter from Roads and Maritime NSW-re Talinga and Brisbane Water Drive left hand turn.

24.  Councillor – Chris Burke – thanking us for our congratulations.

Moved by Grahame Orchard, seconded by Julie Broad.  Approved by meeting.

Unfinished Business:                                             

1. 2010-2015 Delivery of Works Profile Gosford City Council.

2. Glenrock Parade: Request to Gosford City Council to upgrade road as it is a collector road through the area-Council have design plans for part of road.                        

3. Rail Freight Noise: Request to NSW Government to have Environmental Protection Licenses issued to Freight Companies using the rail corridor between Brisbane and Sydney.                

4. Unnamed Reserve Fagans Bay: Naming of Unnamed Reserve Fagans Bay - Bungaree.

5. Request to Gosford City Council for Public Toilets Point Clare.

6. Medical Centre Upgrade at Point Clare.

7. Couche Park Shoreline Protection Works.

8. Disabled Toilet in Uratta Street Playground: Request for Bunnings West Gosford to finance disabled toilet in Uratta Street Playground.           

9. Bushfire Trailer:  Sunnyside Avenue Point Clare.

10. Request to West Gosford Shopping Centre to upgrade disabled car parking.

11. Request for RailCorp to tunnel or have lift installed at Tascott Station.

12. Heritage Trail suggested by Jon Fearon for the Area – look into grants from Federal Government.

13. Skate Park: Development of a Skate Park in the Point Clare Area.           

14. Natural Gas: Petition for Natural Gas in the Koolewong to West Gosford Area.

15. Point Clare Public School: Request to Gosford City Council to have this area curbed and           drainage constructed to make the streets safe for the drop off and pickup of pupils in Nioka and Takari Streets.

16. Public Access to Couche Park Retained: - Request Gosford City Council reinstates public access to Couche Park from Couche Crescent when house at No3 Couche Crescent is completed.          

17. Proliferation of Mangroves along Brisbane Water Drive Foreshore: Request sent to Roads and Maritime NSW and Department of Primary Industry to cull growth.

General Business:

RailCorp Tower


Request from residents to write to RailCorp about placement of Digital Train Rail System 250 Towers EME to be erected at 15mt Tascott- 20mt Point Clare and Koolewong along the rail corridor.

Action: Letter to RailCorp stating residents have concerns and request that RailCorp staff address the Progress Association members to answer their questions.

Moved by Rendall Wagner, seconded by Larrine Goodworth. Approved by members.

Residents Survey                                       

Repeat 2007 Survey to be sent out to residents of the area.

Action: Suggested that target date of April 2013 be put aside to have Survey included on website and Facebook. Include Media Release online and Local Media.


Moved by Toni Tibbs, seconded by Rendall Wagner. Approved by meeting.


Point Clare Garden Maintenance


Request for gardening work on Point Clare CBD from Point Clare Hall Committee.

Action: Send letter form the Progress Association stating we support in principle the beautification of the shopping area, but members expressed concern at being involved in such work on private land.

Moved by Jon Fearon, seconded by Rendall Wagner. Approved by meeting.    

Water Rates Review                

There is a public meeting re IPART, Gosford City Council Review of Water and Sewerage pricing to be held on 12 November, 2012 at 10 am at Quality Inn The Willows, 512 Pacific Hwy Wyoming.  Rendall Walker urged Members to attend the meeting.

Action:  Rendall Wagner will be attending the meeting.


Footpath along Brisbane Water Drive

Continue promoting petition requesting a footpath between Koolinda & Lorraine Ave Point Clare. Jon commented that it was mentioned at the meeting with Chris Holstein that residents may be asked to make a contribution for a footpath outside their residence.

Action:  Have petition placed in exposed positions.

Movie Night

The movie night held on 13 October had a disappointing attendance. Rendall Wagner commented that it takes time to establish a pattern of community events.

Action: Wait until 1st meeting next year to decide when and what the next event will be.

Shared Pedestrian Zone

A retailer contacted the Association suggested that Talinga Avenue be made a shared pedestrian road as in other suburbs.

Action: Members requested more information be provided.

Goodaywang Reserve

Reserve upgrading has come to a close. Members suggested that a weeding program in conjunction with a BBQ be trialled.

Action: Progress Association to organise a Twilight Trial Day.

Moved by Rendall Wagner, seconded by Grahame Orchard. Approved by meeting.

Overgrown Bush

Julie Broad has asked that the Progress Association contact RailCorp to remove overgrown   bush between Point Clare and Tascott Stations before bushfire season approaches.

Action: Progress Association to write to RailCorp requesting they implement procedure.

Minutes of Meeting with Chris Holstein

Minutes of the meeting with Mr Chris Holstein MP, Member for Gosford re Brisbane Water Drive footpath and Point Clare Public School to be distributed.

Action: Secretary to email minutes to Members and Residents and other relevant authorities.

Meeting closed at 9.15pm.

Next Meeting: 13th December, 2 012         7.30 pm      Point Clare Community Hall

This is our Christmas Party Meeting including a talk on our areas history

Secretary                                          President   

Helen Orchard                                   Jon Fearon