Logo Koolewong, Point Clare and Tascott Progress Association Inc.
including West Gosford south of the Central Coast Highway

PO Box 193
Woy Woy
NSW 2256


Local Environment:

Goodawang Reserve Weeding/Working Bee: Next date To be advised

Gary Palmer, Asset Office/Open Space & Leisure Services, Gosford City Council  was thrilled at the wonderful turnout for Goodaywang Reserve  National Tree Planting Day .
Over 60 people attended endeavouring to plant up to 900 trees.

Our thanks go to those who have attended our Monthly Bush Care Working Bees held on the 1st Friday of each month under the supervision of Gary Palmer and his staff.

A visit to the reserve will help you appreciate the vista  and environmental planning that is shaping the redevelopment  of the reserve  with  help from members and residents of our area.

It is a pleasure sharing the enthusiasm that  Gary Palmer, Craig Newbury and staff have exhibited for this project.

The Management Committee.

Draft Brisbane Water Estuary Management Plan

We are pleased to announce that the Draft Brisbane Water Estuary Management Plan has been prepared and will be going on public exhibition from 13 June to 29 July 2011.

 The Draft Brisbane Water Estuary Management Plan aims to provide a balanced long-term management framework for the ecologically sustainable use of the estuary and its catchment. The preparation of this Plan is a requirement of the Estuary Management Process under the NSW Estuary Management Policy. The Plan, which includes a series of actions for implementation, aims to:

·         Protect, rehabilitate and improve the natural estuarine environment

·         Manage the estuarine environment in the public interest to ensure its health and vitality

·         Improve the recreational amenity of estuarine waters and foreshores

·         Recognise and accommodate natural processes and climate change 

·         Ensure ecologically sustainable development and use of resources.  

The Plan represents the culmination of the estuary management process – it aims to deliver actions that achieve the management objectives developed for the Brisbane Water Estuary.  It includes: 

·         The management goals and objectives that establish the framework for future management;

·         A strategy that details a series of actions for implementation;

·         Further concept details on the highest priority management actions; and

·         A series of performance indicators to measure the success of implementation. 

Council will also be hosting a community forum during the public exhibition period during which you can hear about the development of the Plan: 

·         Time: 7pm to 9pm,

·         Date: Wednesday 15 June 2011,

·         Location: The Erina Room, in the Erina Centre. 

Please indicate your interest in attending the forum by responding to this email at brisbanewater@cardno.com.au.   We look forward to seeing you there on the night!  

The Draft Brisbane Water Estuary Management Plan can be viewed during the public exhibition period at the following locations: 

·         On Council’s website at www.gosford.nsw.gov.au

·         Council’s Customer Service Centres at Erina, Gosford, Woy Woy and Kincumber. 

If you would like to make a written submission, you may do so by posting your comments to: 

    The General Manager,

    Gosford City Council,

    Attn: Tim Macdonald,

    PO Box 21

    Gosford NSW 2250. 

Alternatively, you can make a direct submission at one of Council’s service centres, or email your comments to coastal@gosford.nsw.gov.au.